Superior Ink X FishPond Hoot-Owl

Superior Ink X FishPond Hoot-Owl


All of us here get to wake up and come to a place where we feel empowered by the work that we do and the responsibility that comes with being a green company.  Through our efforts, we are able to partner with companies who breathe the same air of responsibility and cultivate groundbreaking work for local communities and the world at large.

Superior Ink X FishPond Hoot-Owl

Today, we are featuring our good friends at FishPond, who we work closely with and who are no exception to social and environmental responsibility.

Fishpond looks to the future with a goal of creating a positive difference for our planet by creating innovative products for the outdoor recreation consumer that communicate the importance of healthy species, water and habitat. They meet rigorous standards of performance, accountability, and transparency, and are using the power of business to alleviate poverty, address climate changes, and build strong local communities and great places to work.

Fishpond has a new campaign that Superior Ink was eager to support called “Hoot-Owl”. In the great state of Montana, when water temps hit 73°F for three consecutive days, a “Hoot-Owl” restriction goes into effect.The “Hoot-Owl” closes down fishing between 2PM and midnight. This allows anglers to fish in the mornings, and gives trout a break during the warmest part of the day.

Fishpond Give'em a rest

This year, Colorado has experienced low water and high temps, a stressful combination for trout. Fishpond is bringing awareness to the issue and is asking anglers to be conscious of water temps and participate in their own “Hoot-Owl”. Plan on fishing the morning, taking water temps as the day heats up, and calling it a day if the water hits 67°F. If you don’t have a thermometer, err on the side of the trout and reel it up at 2PM.

The trout thank you, your fellow anglers thank you, Fishpond and Superior Ink thank you!

 Colorado has experienced low water and high temps

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DENVER, CO 80204
(303) 761-4106
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